Video der Woche: 4 LYN – Nostalgia [kw26/2019]

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I found a picture of you and me
from 1989 when we shared the world together
happy as teens could be
life’s a whirlwind and time’s a whore
I pick our past up off the floor
I write these lines just in case
I don’t see you no more
maybe you’re married, you’ve got it made
maybe you’re famous or just get played
maybe you showed up at our show
but maybe I will never know

No, I will never know
‚cause you’re somewhere where I can’t go
a million miles away or right here next to me
I’ve tried so many times to find the home that once was mine
a million miles away or right here next to me

Just one sign is all I want
to move on where we started from
I’ve tried as hard as I could try
not even sure you’re still alive
what’s with all that we once shared
please forgive me but I care
I scream as loud as I can scream
but you don’t hear me

No, I will never know
‚cause you’re somewhere where I can’t go
a million miles away or right here next to me
I’ve tried so many times to find the home that once was mine
a million miles away or right here next to me

I survived our separation
but I can’t wait for all time
all I need is a little information
so I can leave it behind

No, I will never know
‚cause you’re somewhere where I can’t go
a million miles away or right here next to me
I’ve tried so many times to find the home that once was mine
a million miles away or right here next to me

No, I will never know
‚cause you’re somewhere where I can’t go
a million miles away or right here next to me
I’ve tried so many times to find the home that once was mine
a million miles away or right here next to me

Vier Jahre nach dem letzten Album veröffentlichten 4Lyn im Mai 2012 ihr Album Quasar und gingen anschließend auf Deutschland-Tour. Im März 2013 gab die Band ihre Auflösung bekannt, damit sich die Mitglieder verstärkt der Familie, Freizeit und anderen Projekten widmen können. Das letzte Konzert fand am 21. Dezember 2013 im Hamburger Grünspan statt. Schade!


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