Start Shortcuts Video der Woche: Touché Amore – Reminders

Video der Woche: Touché Amore – Reminders [kw04/2021]


When it’s all too much to take
I’m at capacity
A failed system sings on the background TV
To my shotgun mouth and apathyI need reminders of the love I have
I need reminders, good or bad
I tilt my chin up in photographs
A subtle way to reinvent the pastWith a head so beat and drained
I’m running on empty
As the world collapses with complacency
To knee-jerk takes and fantasyI need reminders of the love I have
I need reminders, good or bad
I tilt my chin up in photographs
A subtle way to reinvent the pastI talk myself out of myself
When I’m overwhelmed
Is there a way to feel free
Without being someone else?I need reminders of the love I have
I need reminders, good or bad
I tilt my chin up in photographs
A subtle way to reinvent the pastI talk myself out of myself
When I’m overwhelmed
Is there a way to feel free
Without being someone else?

Wir haben 100 Leute gefragt, was sie in ihrem Leben an Liebe erinnert hat. So oder so ähnlich muss der Videoaufruf zu „Reminders“ ausgesehen haben. Das Ergebnis: unzählige Gesichter aus Film, Musik und Subkultur gemeinsam mit ihren plüschigen Begleitern. Dieses Wohlfühlvideo ist einer der ersten Boten für das lang ersehnte Album „Lament“ von Touché Amore gewesen, welches in den vergangenen Monaten von allen Seiten über den Klee gelobt wurde. Zu recht.

Produced by Ross Robinson
Engineered by Mike Balboa Additional Engineering by Ross Robinson and Jason Schimmel
Recorded at The Bunker Studio
Mixed by Steve Evetts at Steve Evetts Music
Mastered by Alan Douches at West West Side Music

Touché Amore

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